JACKALL HISTORY The Story of Discovering the Unexpected

- 1999
- Mr. Seiji Kato and Toshiro Ono, who have a proven track record in tournaments held both domestically and internationally, set up an office in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture and established Jackal Co., Ltd. in order to create products that they were satisfied with.
From the beginning, both of them wanted to ``manufacture'' things close to the field, so they were particular about establishing the company on the shores of Lake Biwa.

- 1999
- At the time, the drop shot rig was invented in Japan and was sweeping the bass tournament scene. In order to maximize the effectiveness of this new technique, we developed and released a completely new concept worm, the Crosstail Shad, as Jackal's first product. Its overwhelming fishing results quickly became known not only in Japan but all over the world, and it was even used as a winning lure in tournaments in the United States, the home of bass fishing, and even now, more than 20 years after its release, it continues to be loved by anglers all over the world. I am.

- Story of our
“COMPANY NAME” - The image of an even stronger group formed when members with very strong individualities come together is reminiscent of the ``jackal,'' an intelligent animal that lives in Africa.
Although jackals are excellent as individuals, their range of hunting expands when they form a group, forming a strong group capable of preying on animals even larger than themselves.
From this, the company name "Jackal" was born, and a logo with that as a motif was born.

- 2001
- Vibration is a worldwide standard lure.
We sublimate it by adding JACKALL's taste,
TN vibration, which is still popular even today, is now on sale.
Compatible with a variety of fish species, more than 280,000 units have been manufactured and sold worldwide to date.

- 2002
- We started making rods to maximize the potential of the lures we created. In 2002, we started selling rods from Jackal.
The first rod to be released was a spinning rod with specs of 5'8" ML and 6'4" ML, glass composite and carbon, and grips of EVA and cork.

- 2004
- Released Flick Shake, which is still used as a first-class lure by many anglers. At the time, the combination of Jig Wacky and Flick Shake was a hot topic. To date, we have produced and sold over 420,000 packs worldwide.

Since the release of our first product, the Crosstail Shad, in 1999, we have continued to produce many hit lures, quickly growing to become a major brand in Japan, and our reputation has gradually spread to anglers overseas. Become. As a result, we received offers from enthusiastic anglers around the world to sell them locally, which is the beginning of our overseas expansion.
- 2003
- Sales begin in America, Europe, and Australia.
- 2004
- Started sales in Russia and Southeast Asia.
Currently, we do business with more than 20 countries around the world.

- 2010
- Business alliance with Shimano Co., Ltd.

- 2011
- Like our head office, we have opened a research and development base on the shores of Lake Biwa.
Although fishing styles change day by day with the trends of the times, Jackal's commitment to manufacturing remains unchanged throughout his life.
By creating an environment where you can immediately test the developed lures right in front of the lake, our style of focusing on quick development and quality will continue to remain the same.

- Story of our
“TECHNOLOGY” - In order to accurately translate what professionals want into products, we have taken the initiative in introducing cutting machines and 3D printers within the industry.
Not only did we shorten the time required for development, but we also succeeded in improving the quality of our products.

- Become a comprehensive
lure manufacturer -
To general fishing gear manufacturer
The original ideas based on practice and reliable fishing results have won high support not only in bass fishing but also in salt fishing and trout fishing genres.
Established itself as a comprehensive fishing gear manufacturer.

- 2018
- We are particular about quality control, and have established our own factory in Ryuo in order to conduct thorough quality checks under our own eyes.
Jackal's standard is the quality of the products made at the Ryuo factory.

- 2019
- JACKALL celebrates its 20th anniversary with a new square logo
- 2023
- New office building completed